Some are optimizing their COVID testing processes with the VOIZZR App.
In our surroundings, whether in the social circle, workplace, school, daycare, sports club, or personally, the number of “positive” COVID cases is rising again. As expected, the numbers are increasing in the cold season. However, there are neither prescribed testing protocols from associations and the Bundesliga nor a sufficient number of available testing centers. How should we handle this, especially after Christmas celebrations and before Christmas with family? Or after holidays?
It’s a seasonal effect.
In professional sports, there are no fixed testing protocols anymore. However, some clubs and athletes rely on the VOIZZR PITCH ANALYSER or VOIZZR RPE App (optimized for professional sports). The goal is to identify potential cases early and raise awareness not only among athletes but also among family members and the coaching staff. Athletes, such as skiers, snowboarders, or biathletes, are often on the move, and some athletes could quickly test positive and be unable to compete. Athletes voluntarily use the app every morning to record coughing and read a predetermined sentence. This typically takes less than a minute. AI algorithms analyze the voice files in the background. If cough values are significantly in the upper range and a declining pattern appears in the P-Score, athletes are prompted to see the hygiene officer and discuss further steps. Often, a rapid test is then conducted to clarify the situation.

“Last season, we identified three cases before the Bundesliga’s testing protocol would have come into play,” reported a hygiene officer. “Additionally, we divided ‘Family and Friends’ of the players and the youth squads into separate groups for better oversight. Most infections come into the team through these contacts. The earlier we identify a player or the risk in their environment, the lower their personal risk, and the less likely they are to potentially infect others.”
“We simply sent the app links to our athletes in the youth squads, and they could start right away. Since we only see the athletes at regular intervals for training sessions at the training centers, we need a simple and pragmatic solution!” commented a national team coach. “We now receive the information before it reaches us!”
For those interested: Up to 10 tests per month are available for free. If you want to test friends and family with your own app, you can create additional profiles here.
In this spirit: Stay healthy, be mindful, and have a wonderful Christmas in the company of your loved ones.

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